15 Thing Only Pizza Shop Employees Will Understand

6. We Don't Own The Company

Mistakes happen and it's understandable that when they do, you will complain. This doesn't mean we care. Sure, we want to do a good job servicing customers, but if you complain, do not act like you are speaking to the CEO. We just work at these places and have no stake in whether or not the company loses you as a customer. Make all the threats you want about going to Dominos from now on, because odds are good that if we have the best pizza, you'll be back.

5. You Can Only Have So Many Segments Of Toppings

Lizlemonpizza Gif Ordering a pizza with multiple people can be about as hard as trying to make peace in a war-torn country. Well, that may be stretching a bit, but you get the picture. Everyone has their favorite topping, but you are only going to get so many options when you get one pie. You will almost always be able to split toppings in half and many places will divide into fourths, but going beyond that is usually asking too much. We don't care if you have eight people with different preferences. Order multiple pizzas if you can't agree on what to get.

4. Your Food Might Take Longer To Cook Than Someone Else's

Pizzerias are know for delivery, but many also have full service restaurants where you can go and have a nice family meal. Just like any restaurant, different things take different amounts of time to cook. If you go to a restaurant and see someone who arrived after you receive their food first, let it go. Odds are good that you ordered something that simply takes longer to make. Don't tip the waiter poorly because the guy next to you got a salad before you got your deep dish pizza.
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I have been a writer for Bleacher Report for several years, and am now happy to also be a writer at What Culture! I do my best to contribute anywhere I can in a positive way, and that includes in my writing. Some people call me The Doctor, but Chris is fine.