16 Most Evil Psychopaths In Literature

3. Alex - A Clockwork Orange By Anthony Burgress

€˜You€™ve got a good home here, good loving parents. Is it some devil that crawls inside of you?€™ These were the words from a probation officer to Alex in A Clockwork Orange. It was his behaviour, which included sadistic, brutal killings and rape that lead for the book to be constantly surrounded by controversy ever since it€™s release. Not without his positive traits such as having a contagious energy about him, especially when adoring Beethoven, the reader can often forget that past his school boy charms lies a man capable of the most unthinkable torture. In a horrific scene the writer Frank Alexander is forced into a beating so brutual he is left paraplegic and his wife is raped. Alex who does not take responsibility for any wrong doing makes clear his motivation is to overpower anyone who comes into the path he shares with his hoodlum buddies, always on the look out for someone to beat up, rob or rape.
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