17 Problems Only Hotel Workers Will Understand

13. Playing The Daily Game Of 'Who's Job Is The Hardest?'

Management oversee everything and constantly have to think on their feet; the hotel is their big responsibility. However, if it wasn't for the front-of-house team keeping the cogs turning then nothing would get done at all. Housekeeping do have a short time to turn rooms around ready for the next guests but they aren't in the laundry room sweating it out. Talking about sweating it out try being in the kitchen heat all day and night pulling twelve-hour long shifts; even the pot washer works harder than anyone else in their opinion. Right, we get it everyone believes there job is a lot harder than the next person and nobody is going to win this argument anytime soon.

12. Hating Your Uniform With A Passion

Tough nylon trousers you would need to be an army recruit to know how to iron properly to iron properly. Shirts that need to be without a crease but the second you pull out the wash it looks like your wearing a SharPei puppy. Too thin for the winter weather, too many layers for summer - when will management ever introduce something more practical and fashionable to work in? Gone are the days when you first started your new and exciting job and felt like you looked at executive level but now you're left feeling more like a servant from Downtown Abbey.
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