17 Problems Only Hotel Workers Will Understand

11. Letting Guests Down By Not Greeting Them On Arrival With A Magnum Of Champagne

The reservation has been received and in additional information the guest has written 'this is a very special occasion' so special indeed that they won't even dig hands into their own pockets and put some money towards a champagne and petals reception in the room but instead arrive looking dumfounded that they haven't been greeted with trumpets and a crew of trained doves to carry their coats upstairs to their room for them. I mean did you even read that this was a 'VERY special occasion?' How rude of you.

10. Trying To Accommodate Football Fans, Stags, Hens And Families With Babies All In One Happy Hotel Together

It's 1am and you've got a dozen screeching hens continuing their karaoke session in the bar downstairs, the football fans who've travelled from home couldn't be chanting louder if they tried in the reception area and here comes Angry Dad down the stairs in his hotel robe ready to ask you why you aren't controlling the situation better so his newborn can sleep. Telling him you will do the very best you can but knowing it's going to be another couple of hours before these groups are even going to think about bedtime...hopefully you'll get out before you get to see see his scowling, sleep-deprived face again at breakfast time.
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Regina Falange hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.