18 Problems Only Claustrophobic People Will Understand
11. Having An MRI Scan
We all will have to have medical treatment at some point and its mostly not a problem, but the one thing all claustrophobia sufferers dont want to hear is the doctor telling you that you need to to have a MRI scan. An MRI scan or the Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanner to give its full name, fires radio waves and magnetic fields through you to create a detailed image of the inside of your body. If you ever need your spinal cord, heart or internal organs examined, the chances are you will be sent for a MRI scan. Having a MRI scan involves you laying on a flat bed and being rolled into the tube shaped scanner. Some scans take over an hour and all that time, you are trapped in the confined space. And all the while, the MRI makes all sorts of clicks and noises as it builds a picture of your insides. You can talk to the examiner via the intercom and he or she can see the terror in your face on their monitor, but there is nothing you can do until they have finished their work. Understanding that the confined space within the scanner is a problem, the next generation of MRI scanners have been designed to be more open.