18 Problems Only Over-Thinkers Will Understand

2. 'Your Friend Is Writing...' Is Instant Messaging Hell

Oh, good God. Is there anything actually worse than the dreaded 'YOUR FRIEND is writing...' notice that pops up on instant messaging services, most notably Facebook? Even for people who don't over-think, the way that that little notification drives at your mind and can slowly drive you insane, it isn't pleasant and make a nice conversation with a friend into a semi-passive-aggressive waiting game for all involved. For over-thinkers, it's practically a circle of hell in of itself. Over-thinkers find themselves questioning whether or not someone is actually on the other end at all, and if they are, what they are considering writing that is taking them a severely long time. It makes over-thinkers become paranoid, to think too much about the context of the conversation and what it might mean. It drives over-thinkers to distraction, and more often than not, it makes them extremely wary of Facebook and other social media messengers. Just what nervous over-thinkers needed, right?

1. Having To Actively 'Let It Go'

letitgo-frozen-disney-gif This is the big one. In a world where everyone is caught in a world of contradictions - you have to be perfectly in control and yet easygoing enough to be open to new ideas. For over-thinkers, there's more than enough on their plate for them to deal with. They're stuck in a world that seems to ready to judge them for being too focused and stuck on thinking every situation through above and beyond, and then making life complicated enough to actually make these fears seem valid, leaving them in a precarious position. Over-thinkers are stuck in a precarious problem - they already think too much about everything and if they're aware of it, probably beat themselves up for it. They're then encouraged to stop letting everything affect them so much, which can be hard for an over-thinker. They're intense and interested by nature, and while they might be able to 'let it go' for an evening or for the length of a movie, they might never be able to do it for longer than that. Anyway, here's to the over-thinkers who are always ready whenever an emergency arises, and give a whole new meaning to everything they love.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.