18 Weirdest Celebrity Trainwrecks

10. Tom Sizemore And The Plastic Penis

Actor Tom Sizemore has had more issues on the subject of drugs than High Times magazine. He claims to have been an addict since he was a teenager in the late seventies, and by all accounts he€™s not a fun junkie: he€™s been arrested on charges relating to possession, disorderly conduct and assault and battery several times, leading to several months in jail in 2007. Sizemore is one of the most high profile examples of drugs killing a Hollywood star€™s career without actually killing him. River Phoenix and Heath Ledger get to remain forever young and desperately talented in the public eye €“ Sizemore will forever be the slurring mess that tried to cheat a drug test with an artificial penis. In this case, not just any hollowed out dildo, but the Whizzinator, a product allegedly specifically marketed for the purpose, whose makers have since been arrested and jailed for putting the ridiculous thing on sale in the first place. Sizemore would have a similarly stupid relationship with reality television show Celebrity Rehab, being associated with the first four seasons of the programme. He refused to appear on the first season, was far too screwed up to appear on the second, appeared throughout the third in an attempt to get off drugs, and appeared on the fourth in 2010 to announce himself as having been clean for over a year. That€™s Tom Sizemore: the man couldn€™t even make fake reality TV rehab work until the third go.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.