20 Absolute Worst Things About Being Unemployed

7. Procrastinating Is Even Worse Than Normal

Procrastination. One of those things that everyone does, but no one admits to doing, much like snacking straight out of the fridge or wondering which Kardashian you would actually be. Unemployed people have more an incentive to procrastinate, at least according to popular opinion - it's one more day of sitting on the couch, you can apply for that job tomorrow! Actually no. Procrastination is awful, especially when you're unemployed because it so, so easy to not even try. Junk food, Netflix, cleaning your apartment, napping; all of these are wonderful things that will sabotage your attempts at looking for a job, because it's much easier to eat Doritos while watching TV, rather than filling in online applications and sending resumes and being brave enough to put yourself out there, even if it means getting shot down forty times in a row. By all means treat yourself after working hard, but don't make your relaxation time burn away. We'll be over here with the Netflix password and the chips and dip when you've sent that resume...
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.