20 Absolute Worst Things About Being Unemployed

6. Feeling Like A Failure

Epic Fail Gifs Spiderman Backflip Fail Gif Okay, we're going deep here, but one of the worst things about being unemployed is the fact you feel like a big failure a lot of the time. We get it, we're out of work for the moment, but trust us when we say, we're more angry and sad about it than you are. We spend hours trawling the 'net for signs of jobs, applying in droves, and then failing to even get a perfunctory 'thanks but nope' email. In a culture where we spend so much of our energies focused on work, you can be left adrift when you don't have a job. So, in short, it sucks, and you can get sad and miserable as hell when you're out of work. But one day you'll find work, and it'll be awesome, so until then you just have to keep pushing down on that negative voice in your head telling you you suck. We've found that keeping on working and trying hard works just fine, although if you want to treat yourself to a Ben & Jerry's, that's fine too.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.