20 Absolute Worst Things About Being Unemployed

5. Annoying Facebook Statuses

Oh God, is there anything worse? Well, okay, clearly there is, but Facebook itself is kind of a Bermuda Triangle for horrible blows to your self-esteem. Everyone's in a relationship! Everyone's getting married! Everyone's not sitting at home watching Netflix on a Friday night! The crowning triumph of horrible Facebook posts are the smug, happy, 'I just had a great interview and got my dream job' ones, which are vaguely acceptable when you have a job, but are distinctly horrible when you're out of work. Is it such a bad thing that people are happy? Well, no, but it feels like everyone is rubbing your nose in their success. People who seem to have it so much easier, especially on the work front, are always going to earn the behind-the-screen ire of the poor unemployed masses, Even though deep down, you know that social media is so carefully curated by its users, so that their lives seem much more interesting and better than they really are, it still doesn't stop your finger hovering around that 'unfriend' button at least five times a day.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.