20 Bonkers JFK Conspiracy Theories People Still Believe 50 Years After His Death

9. Federal Reserve

Jfkfed There are many Americans who believe that the Federal Reserve needs to be audited and that it needs to go. Then there are those who believe that Kennedy tried to invalidate the Fed by usurping some of its power into the Treasury Department, and he was coincidentally killed just a few months later. Coincidence? This is one that has conspiracy theorists foaming at the mouth and, quite frankly, has absolutely no validity. The "conspiracy" that the Federal Reserve ordered a hit on President Kennedy revolves around the infamously infamous Executive Order 11110, which allocated $4.2 billion USD in silver certificates to the Treasury Department in lieu of Federal Reserve notes. Those who believe this theory speculate that the Federal Reserve believed that Kennedy was trying to reduce their power and that a group of international bankers with investments in the Fed unanimously decided that Kennedy had to go to protect their investment and their powers of monetary policy. Of course when you actually examine the historical effect of this executive order it merely transferred power from the President to the Treasury Secretary, thus reducing executive oversight of monetary policy and actually strengthening the hand of the Federal Reserve. I'll admit though, this theory out of all others probably gave me the best idea for a political thriller movie so, thank you. Also, since this is primarily a pop culture site, am I the only one who envisions these shadowy international bankers as Nick Fury's superiors who wanted to nuke New York to stop Loki's attack?
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Steve is an unrepentant nerd who enjoys all things Disney, Doctor Who, and Star Trek. He is currently finishing his undergraduate degree in political science at Temple University and divides his time between his homes in Philadelphia and Orlando.