20 Facts That Sound Like Bullsh*t But Are Totally True

4. Australia Once Lost A Prime Minister

Like, straight up couldn't find him, and are yet to find him. Harold Holt, 17th Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Party, went missing while swimming at a beach in Victoria on 17 December, 1967. Presumably, he drowned - perhaps attacked by marine predators (or perhaps sub-aquatic vending machines) was carried out to sea or wedged in a rock crevice. Other conspiracies included suicide, faking his own death, or abduction by a Chinese submarine. A joint report by Commonwealth and Victoria police submitted a report in January 1968, which concluded that: '...there has been no indication that the disappearance of the late Mr Holt was anything other than accidental.' Seems legit. Ironically, the country ended up paying tribute to their late leader by naming a swimming pool after him. So, that was nice.
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