20 Facts That Sound Like Bullsh*t But Are Totally True

16. An Atheist Was Allowed To Wear A Pasta Strainer On His Driving Licence Photo As "Religious Headgear"

It might be hard to take, but it's all true. This Austrian genius won the right to wear a colander on his head for a driving licence photo in 2011 - stating the sieve was a requirement of his religion - 'Pastafarianism.' A self-confessed Atheist, Niko Alm claims he belongs to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and the pasta strainer is part of his religious headgear. It took three years, but Austrian authorities certified him "psychologically fit" to drive and the driving license was issued. This is all great news for the Jedis amongst you; you can wear a full Darth Vader face mask for your passport photo. Any questions, play the religious card and explain it's a necessary part of your breathing mechanism. The Pasta cult do have a fair point, though: if the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist, why are planets perfectly shaped like meatballs? Penne for your thoughts?
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