20 Problems Only Crafty People Will Understand

5. Trying To Start A YouTube Channel

We keep hearing more and more about the benefits of YouTube channels, with the ultra-successful ones filling stadiums and becoming bonafide celebrities thanks to their vlogs, blogs, and videos about their beauty hauls and chubby bunny challenges. So how hard can it be to break into a thriving market full of young people? Just as hard as it sounds. Plenty of channels are crafty with dozens of videos on the right things to create and how to do it, all done with a shiny veneer of perfect, manageable, attainable simplicity. Meanwhile you're spending hours messing up your video takes, filming everything on your iPhone, or just winging it, praying for someone to watch and like the videos, and feeling disappointed when your video on the perfect way to knit a mug cosy only got ten views.

4. The Physical Injuries

Burns, stabbing from knitting needles, bruises from mistaking your thumb for a nail and introducing it to your hammer. Many of these things have happened to you over the course of your infatuation with your particular craft, and while picking up the odd scar or burn makes for an interesting story or anecdote down the line, at some point it just becomes overkill. This is usually at the time when the staff at the local minor injuries unit can identify you by name, or rather simply as 'that crazy knitter' or 'crazy chef'. As a result, you invest in a super-strength first aid kit, but regardless still spend plenty of time down at your local emergency department. Sigh.

3. Getting Paint On Everything You Own

Remember when you used to have clothes for relaxing in that didn't have an entire artist's palette on them, no matter how many times you washed them? Remember when you used to buy clothes that weren't, at best, impossible to wash paint out of? Remember when your wardrobe did not entirely consist of work clothes, one nice date outfit, and then paint-splattered miscellanea for wearing to the gym, when watching Netflix, or generally slobbing it out? Remember when you used to actually consider nice clothes for going out on dates, rather than debating whether or not smudges of paint on your jeans was attractive in an 'Aiden from Sex and the City' way, or just messy and not at all date-worthy. Those were the days.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.