20 Problems Only Crafty People Will Understand

2. The Endless Lure of Crafty Show Re-Runs

You promise you're only going to watch one episode of that show - 'DIY SOS', 'Barefoot Contessa', or maybe just a general design program. After all, you've got time off and what better to watch than a show directly connected with your crafty passion. You're going to find some inspiration and then work on your own stuff. It's easy; after all, there are so many shows out there and all of them are designed to help you in your inspirational goals of becoming the best crafty person you can be. It's research, plain and simple. Fast forward to several hours later when you've binge-watched the show because it's all re-runs on the weekend, and you've accomplished nowhere near as much as you hoped to, because you were so overwhelmed with inspiration. That's your excuse anyway.

1. People Just Not 'Getting' Why You Do It

This final one is a doozy; a lot of people simply will not get for the life of them why do the crafty things you do. Buying a scarf is cheaper and easier; buying a cake for a birthday or special event is easier and less trouble than baking it yourself. That is okay for a lot of people - sometimes crafty people aren't in the mood or have the money or time or resources to indulge in their passions, like a significant chunk of people. But we still do it. Crafty people do it, because in spite of the injuries and the cost and the effort, it feels just plain good to actually build something forged with your own hands and with your mind's eye shaping the project. For a lot of people, this is the only control they have over their lives. So crafty people might consider non-crafty people questioning their gift and passion weird or 'not worth it' a problem. They might absolutely not understand why they create these things and pour their hearts and souls into them. And that's okay, because crafty people understand.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.