20 Problems Only People Who Work In A Department Store Will Understand

12. Staff Room Cliques

High school never ends, especially on your lunch break in a department store. There are the stern-faced cosmetics girls, the mumbling teenagers fresh from their GCSEs, and the squawking middle aged supervisors bragging about their upcoming holidays. The chances are you'll fall in with some people of a similar age and mentality, although the Christmas party always provides ample opportunity for conflict when the groups are forced to interact.

11. Nobody Ever Wants To Swap Shifts

Surprise! Everybody wants to go out on the weekend. Of course they do, why else do you think they all breathed a sigh of relief when you found out you were working early on Saturday and Sunday morning? Your urgent request for anybody to cover your shift will fall on deaf ears no matter how pleading you are. On the extremely rare occasion somebody will agree to a swap, bear in mind that you'll be forever in their debt. They've also proven themselves a friend for life.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.