20 Problems Only People Who Work In A Department Store Will Understand

10. Constantly Tidying Clothes

You involuntarily clench your fists whenever you see somebody pick up a shirt, carry it around for a while, and then place it on an entirely different rack to the one they started on. Do they think it magically flies back to its original position? And see all those neatly folded shirts? It can be incredibly disheartening to spend much of your day arranging the perfect table display, only for an indecisive customer to feel up half of the items and leave you to clear up the carnage.

9. The Children. Oh God, The Children.

Young children are allergic to department stores and should never be taken there. It's not just the crying. The crying is admittedly horrible, but you sort of become numb to it towards the end of the day. It's the sweet wrappers left everywhere, the toy displays destroyed time and time again, and the stickiness. The unbearable stickiness everywhere. Why are children so damn sticky, and at what age do they grow out of it?
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.