20 Problems Only People Who Work In A Department Store Will Understand

8. "Is Everything Okay There?"

This - or whatever your own personal spin on it is - will be your most used phrase when patrolling the shop floor, especially when your supervisors are watching. No customer will succumb to confusion on your watch, especially if they're within that magical five foot radius of you. You'll be so used to asking if everything's okay and receiving a dismissive answer, it'll actually take you by surprise when somebody really does require help. Unless you're in the shoe department, then you'll already have your next line ready: "I'll just check the stockroom for you".

7. Angry Customers

angry gif The customer, for the most part, is a fairly docile creature. However, once in a while frustrations will boil over. It can be a stressful business deciding which three piece suite to get in for the new house, and sometimes it'll all just become too much for some shoppers to take. It'll be your fault of course - you're the nearest staff member who dared to approach them. Suddenly the customer will assume you're the floor supervisor, store manager, and CEO all in one, as all manner of complaints will be spat out at a machine-gun rate.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.