20 Problems Only Total Misanthropes Will Understand

2. Constant Disappointment With People

The fuel for a misanthrope€™s hate towards humanity is the constant disappointment in our ability to do the right thing. For every positive action taken, there is always some jerk who wants to ruin everything. It's one steps forward; two steps back. From the war on drugs to marriage equality to political corruption, situations such as these should have explicitly right solutions to them, yet so many people either get them wrong or don't care. How is that possible? And those are just the local problems of the United States; take a look at the world and it only gets darker and more complicated. Sure, on an individual level people surprise you more often, but on a grand scale it just gets depressing. The worst thing is knowing that, technically, much of it is avoidable; it just requires effort to be good from everybody. Unfortunately, most people aren't on the same page, and soon the hope that one day your disappointment will turn to pride seems less and less likely. Welcome to misanthropy.

1. Admitting You Love Humanity

Many of us may not care to admit it, but a misanthrope is so because we actually love humanity. Our displeasure with people is actually a response to continued embarrassment and disappointment in our own behavior. Every day our actions as a whole make us weep. We wish we would get our act together for the betterment of mankind. We care, we really do. Humans just make it incredibly hard to do so; our irrational inability to be kind and work with each other on a large scale just makes it so easy to hate our fellow man. When it comes down to it, a misanthrope is actually really sensitive to the actions of others. They have so much empathy that it calluses over as a defence mechanism in response to all the ugliness of the world. So if you know any misanthropes in your life, just know that deep down inside, they technically don€™t hate people. They just hate everything they say and do.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.