20 Problems Only Total Misanthropes Will Understand

4. Forcing Yourself To Keep An Open Mind

Let's face it, being a misanthrope can make you a little judgmental. It is so easy to fall into the pattern of labeling large groups of people based on the actions of a certain few; everybody does it. Misanthropes just apply it to all people. However, all individuals deserve a chance to prove themselves, and misanthropes have to remind themselves of this. You have to force yourself to keep an open mind and not make snap judgments. Sure, there is plenty of reason why you make these judgments, but a single individual, separated from the mass that is humanity, has a better chance of surprising you. And when they do, it is a great feeling.

3. Convincing People You Aren't A Sociopath

The mentality of a misanthrope can often cause some people to confuse misanthropy with anti-social behavior. While they can certainly go hand in hand, they usually don€™t. A misanthrope can be perfectly adept at socializing; they just don€™t care for it because being around people is an unpleasant experience. Despite this, we still experience feelings of love and compassion, still know right from wrong, and still prioritize kindness above all. This may be hard for some to understand, but it is possible. In fact, it is our intense experience of these feelings that actually makes us misanthropes, and this is because of€

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.