20 Problems Only Total Misanthropes Will Understand

12. Enduring Pop Culture

Mileycyrus Gif Of course a misanthrope is going to think the majority taste in art is the equivalent of a ratty old chew toy. After all, most people are blithering morons who like brain dead action films, Adam Sandler, and reality tv shows. And don€™t forget the god awful pop music. Yes, as it appeals to as broad an audience as possible, the majority of pop culture tends to lack intellectual complexity. This is what makes it so unbearable for misanthropes; it highlights and encourages the behavior that turns us off from being around people. After all, who wants to spend time around a person who enjoys the musical butcherings of Miley Cyrus or Iggy Azalea?

11. When Something You Like Becomes Popular

Since everything that is popular is almost always intolerable, misanthropes tend to skew towards more obscure tastes in entertainment. The less the majority is talking about it the more you can enjoy it. However, sometimes a successful movie or tv show is made out of it, and then the mass appeal ruins it. It's not that the sudden popularity causes you to lose interest all together; it's just that it gets on your nerves. It irritates you that most of these people couldn't be bothered to engage with the original source material, choosing to instead engage with a version stripped of much of the complexity and nuance. Suddenly intimate fan discussion gets drowned out by the voices of the masses and corporations start reaping the creative work for profit. And just like that the purity is gone. People ruin everything.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.