20 Problems Only Total Misanthropes Will Understand

10. Everything Sucks

We owe everything in modern society to the ingenuity of man, so it logically follows that misanthropes find it all terrible. No matter how good something may seem, a misanthrope is able to hone in on any perceived negative aspects and focus on them. A friend€™s newborn is just another mouth to feed in the ever disproportionately growing human population. The ALS ice bucket challenge was just a stupid fad of which the majority profits didn€™t actually go to research. A viral act of kindness is really just for attention. And so on. Nothing is ever good even when it is, thanks in no part to our inherent distrust of human nature.

9. Hiding Your Feelings

So misanthropes may hate people, but if we are to lead functioning lives in society, we must interact with them. And of course, everybody knows that there are certain social norms we all must abide by when doing so, and explicitly venting your hatred for people is certainly a no-no. So as much as it pains us to do so, misanthropes have to keep their true feelings hidden, at least from strangers and acquaintances. We smile when greeted even though we don€™t care, laugh at jokes even when they aren€™t funny, and in general act like a person who doesn€™t hate people. But remember, deep down we loathe you.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.