20 Problems Only Total Misanthropes Will Understand

6. Maintaining Relationships

Whether right or wrong, in general people are turned off by negativity. Most people assume the best in others and lead their lives accordingly. This attitude attracts others and makes it easier to both create and maintain relationships. So it is only natural that a person who doesn't like people has a hard time with this. Your constant pessimism and cynical attitude can get on other people's nerves. You'll get invited to a party or social gathering but reject it, and if you do accept, you'll just be miserable. You may even ask yourself, "Why can't I enjoy this like everyone else?" The fact is that socializing is difficult if you despise everything people do. Relationships require interest and caring on both sides, and a misanthrope can struggle with giving that person the emotional support they desire. Many people can only endure so much distance before giving up. What is effortless for most can be incredibly hard for a misanthrope.

5. Not Relating To Anyone

A misanthrope's enmity towards people often means you aren't interested in the things that they are. This makes it hard to relate to people, which can create distance between you and them. Nothing they do or say engages you the same way it does most people. This can lead to you feeling like you don't fit in, which in turn can lead to a feeling of superiority and/or isolation. As covered already, misanthropes still desire relationships with other people, but sometimes it doesn't come easy. While others appear to be intensely interested in the lives of their family, friends, and coworkers, you feel uninterested. If you aren't good at masking this disinterest, it can be felt on both sides and make things a little awkward. And of course, all this effort just turns you off from being around people even more.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.