20 Stupid Problems You Have No Right To Complain About

8. Being Tired After An Exercise Class

get over it santana lopez naya rivera glee20th TelevisionThis is just the pits. You paid for that exercise class, gave it your all, and this is how it repays you: by turning you into a damp, gasping mess? Exercise and being fit in the long run is great and all, but is it really worth such an unpleasant immediate result? You'd think your body would have enough sense to not react so unpleasantly. Sweaty, thirsty, and what's the deal with being so tired? This is ridiculous; a pox on you, natural human processes of spending energy. Okay, you went to exercise; what did you expect, to be refreshed and well-rested after an hour of cardio? Just be grateful that you have a place to exercise and are healthy enough to do so; there are a lot of people who aren't so fortunate.

7. When Your Flight Suffers A Slight Delay

big bang theory boo hoo sarcasmWarner Bros. TelevisionIt's a great feeling, knowing that you're about to travel. Who knows wondrous adventures await you? Well, too bad all that wonderment has been put on hold by a most unwelcome event: your flight has been delayed. What could be more annoying? Who wants to be sat in an airport playing the waiting game instead of jetting off into the sunset? It wouldn't be surprising if this one miserable experience might ruin your whole vacation. I mean, who could go out and have fun whilst being haunted by the painful memory of that extra forty-five minutes spent in an airport terminal? Okay, look, you are about to fly. That's amazing. Until a century ago, flight was not even possible. Plus, the situation could be so much worse! Be happy that all you have in front of you is an eleven hour flight instead of a two month, danger-ridden boat trip across the ocean. Waiting an hour or so? Yea, that's nothing.
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College kid with an affinity for sarcasm and sleeping too much.