20 Things You Won't Believe People Tried To Take On Flights

9. Guns And Spiders

Reddit/DimensionReddit/DimensionWe're not sure which one of these is more horrific. Well, we guess life jackets aren't particularly horrific, but coming across a guy on a plane wielding a gun or one hauling a load of dead spiders in a box? Both of those are different sorts of nightmares, but nightmares nonetheless.

8. Pokemon Cards

Reddit/Wizards Of The CoastReddit/Wizards Of The CoastA deck of Pokemon cards doesn't sound too crazy, right? True, but just take a peek at how they looked when this dork had bundled them up in tissue paper to make sure they didn't get shuffled out of place: ImgurImgurC'mon, man.

7. A Loaded Gun

Reddit/Warner Bros.Reddit/Warner Bros.We're not sure what's more worrying here: that a person could just absent-mindedly bring a gun on a flight with her by accident - oh yeah, I'm never sure where that killing machine of mine is! - or that the TSA didn't notice that she was carrying a loaded gun on a flight with her until she tried to come home. Jeez.

6. A Caucasian Shepherd

Reddit/WordpressReddit/WordpressAirplanes: like roller coasters, but for dogs. Dogs with no bowel control.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/