20 Things You'll Worry About Obsessively In Your Twenties

16. "Am I Becoming My Mother / Father?"

Universal PicturesUniversal PicturesAll the little weird quirks, that you laughed at your parents for... Yeah, you're starting to do them. You used to think they were old and silly, obsessing over meaningless things. You used to laugh at them. But now, you find yourself mimicking them to a tee. One day you'll find yourself worrying about how much loo roll you have left and thinking that you should really stock up on your next shop. Then you'll know. You are no longer this fun, free-spirited child, you're a fully-fledged boring adult. You may as well resign yourself to nights in playing Risk and watching Come Dine With Me. Are you turning into your parents? Yes, very probably and one day your kids will think you're weird too. Accept it now before it's too late.

15. "Do I Drink Too Much?"

tumblrtumblrRemember when drinking was fun? When you were at university and you could drink every single night and still make those 10am lectures. Remember when the sight of a quad-vod didn't repulse you? And you could down a bottle of wine before hitting the club and still walk in heels. Yeah, those days are over too. You might catch a glimpse of yourself in your dining room mirror, glass of wine in hand whilst playing Risk (of course) and think, "My gosh (because even in your mind, you're old), do I drink too much? Maybe I should cut down. I'm taking a month off... This probably isn't normal." It's not normal, it's not healthy, but the fact that you're acknowledging that means you're old.
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Journalism BA and Creative Writing MA grad fascinated with American TV, offbeat stories and music. Expect all of the thoughts from my brain to be spilt out in a timely manner.