20 Things You'll Worry About Obsessively In Your Twenties

14. "Do I Drink Too Little?"

tumblrtumblrAfter the initial fear of drinking too much flushes over you, you'll start to fixate on the polar opposite. "Do I drink too little?", you'll ask yourself when you can no longer finish a bottle of gin. Since when was your threshold for alcohol so low and why do you already have a headache? It's now time to accept that you are no longer an Olympic drinker, like you were back in university. Instead, you're a normal person and when normal people attempt a bottle of vodka to themselves, they start to feel sick and their head hurts. It's rubbish, but since you started drinking less it has meant that your body can't take very much at a time. This is altogether probably a good thing health wise, but again, means you're old.

13. "Will I Meet The One?"

tumblrtumblrRomance is no fun anymore, because now the person you are with has to be serious, because he / she could be the one. You simply don't have the time to keep on dating. Soon you're going to want to settle down and start a family. You want to have known your partner for at least four years before you do that... which means that you should have met them about two years ago... Oh no, where has your youth gone? Being in your twenties adds so much more pressure to your love life. Flings are things of the past. You are now on a full time search for the one and ensure you let the people you date know how serious you are. This ultimately scares them off and you'll probably end up alone.
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Journalism BA and Creative Writing MA grad fascinated with American TV, offbeat stories and music. Expect all of the thoughts from my brain to be spilt out in a timely manner.