20 Things You'll Worry About Obsessively In Your Twenties

12. "Why Is Everyone Having Babies?"

tumblrtumblr"But we're so young, why is everyone around me becoming parents?", you'll ask yourself every time you open Facebook to see a new status update from a friend announcing their pregnancy. For some reason everyone, apart from you, seems to want to have babies and you really, really cannot understand why. Don't they have a five year plan? You feel as though any minute now someone is going to realise that there's been a huge mistake, that all these people, who are really just children, are having children. Then you make the mistake of mentioning this to your grandma, who happily informs you that when she was your age she already had two kids and that you should maybe get a move on. Excellent.

11. "Why Aren't I More Sophisticated?"

Rachel Green Friends GifNBCYou were sure that by this age you'd be a sophisticated, YSL wearing model type, right? Yeah, you were so wrong. Sitcoms that show the twenty-something generation as these cool, sophisticated party animals are misleading and dangerous. Your life is not a host of evening affairs and dinner parties, it's a mess where you sleep too late, get up too early and wonder where on earth your day went. Whenever you try and dress up to look like a real adult, you feel like a child playing pretend and dressing up in clothes from mommy or daddy's closet. Not a great look. You were so sure, though, that by now you'd be this calm and collected being, looked up to by children and teens alike. But you're not and probably never will be.
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Journalism BA and Creative Writing MA grad fascinated with American TV, offbeat stories and music. Expect all of the thoughts from my brain to be spilt out in a timely manner.