20 Things You'll Worry About Obsessively In Your Twenties

10. "Where Have All My Friends Gone?"

tumblrtumblrYour twenties really are a culture shock, too. All through your life you've managed to have a huge circle of friends. In school it was easy, everyone was there every single day. The same thing went for college and university was the best time ever, because all your best friends lived minutes from one another and you could have sleepovers and nights out whenever you pleased. Now everyone's moved home or away for work or gone traveling. Your contacts on your phone is full of people who used to live near you, but now live at least a few hours away. Planning a night out is like a military operation and trying to get more than one friend in one place at one time is nigh impossible. Instead of big nights out, you have to settle for coffee with one good friend. Wonderful.

9. "Is Everyone Having More Fun Than Me?"

tumblrtumblr Facebook is the absolute devil. If you are every feeling lonely or wishing you could go back in time, then you should probably stay well away from all social media. One look and you'll find out that everyone was at a party last week and they're all going out again next weekend. You'll see photos of people all dressed up and living life. You remember when you used to live life just like them. Now the only time you update your Facebook with photos is on your rare 'reunion nights', which are highly anticipated and usually a complete let down. It may look like everyone's having more fun than you, but they're probably not. Take solace, though, in the fact that your friends probably look at your reunion photos and think the very same thing. The truth is life's calmed down for all of us and, if you let it, it can get pretty dull. Instead of wallowing, why not pick up the phone for a change and get out there?
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Journalism BA and Creative Writing MA grad fascinated with American TV, offbeat stories and music. Expect all of the thoughts from my brain to be spilt out in a timely manner.