21 Awesome Primary School Memories All 90s Kids Share

8. "Fiiiight! Barney, Barney, Barney...

tumblrtumblrEveryone loved a playground fight and, as soon as one broke out, one kid would shout "FIIIIIIGHT" at the top of his/her voice and every single person in the school would gather round chanting "barney, barney, barney" (or any regional variation of words that mean "fight"). Fights would go on until one person clearly won (thus rendering them "harder" than their opponent) or until a teacher intervened - much to the disappointment of the bloodthirsty onlookers.

7. Silly String

tumblrtumblrThis would usually happen on the final day of term before the summer or Christmas holidays, but some joker always brought silly string in to school - and there'd always be one unfortunate victim who took the brunt of it. It might be the nerdy kid, it might be a random kid who happened to be younger than your group and who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, or it might even be a teacher - but some poor sap would always end up looking like Rainbow Brite had sneezed all over them.

6. Coming Home From Holiday With A Tan And Hair Braids And Feeling Like The Class Celebrity

Girl Braids1 You'd been on holiday to Spain/Greece/Turkey/ (without your parents being punished for it, remember) and you return like a god damn boss. You've got stories to tell, you're tanned and you're rocking the braids - what could be cooler? Well, a lot could, in hindsight but, back in the day, a tan and braids made you the centre of attention - you were essentially a celebrity for a day or two.

5. Having Water-Tight Homework Excuses

reactiongifs.comreactiongifs.comWhen we were at school, if you were off ill or if you weren't given the relevant question sheet or textbook, you had a legitimate, water-tight excuse about why you hadn't done your homework. These days, thanks to the internet and email, kids can't escape homework, regardless of their predicament. Miss a day due to illness? Teacher emails your homework home to you. Forget the activity sheet? Download it from the school website. The world wide web is a wonderful thing, but it's foiled a whole bunch of age-old excuses about why kids might have forgotten or been unable to do their homework.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.