21 Problems Only Dancers Will Understand

7. Solos Are Both Exhilarating And Petrifying

Ah, solos. A time for a dancer to show the audience exactly what they can do, without the added distraction of ten other dancers stealing your spotlight. At first, being awarded a solo is exhilarating: you can't believe your luck, can't wait for the moment you step on the stage, and immediately begin dreaming up your routine. But, as the performance draws nearer, a heavy fright starts to settle in your stomach. Wait... you're going to be on that big stage by yourself. All eyes will be on you. If you mess up, everyone will know. It's enough pressure to make you explode.

6. The Frustration Of Meeting Younger Dancers Who Are Better Than You

i'm the best kanye west No matter how confident you are in your abilities, one glance at a programme like "Dance Moms" will instantly shatter all that confidence. How can someone half your age perform that flawlessly? How are they that technically perfect when they don't even know their times-tables yet? It just isn't fair. You can be a highly accomplished, award-winning super-star and still have your self-esteem take a severe hit when you see that six-year-old perform a routine of which you can only dream. Gonna go practice that one move for four hours now...
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College kid with an affinity for sarcasm and sleeping too much.