21 Signs You're In A Committed Relationship With Wine

15. When Your Neighbours See Your Recycling Bin

Yes, your collection is shamefully impressive. Yes, they're totally judging you. Next time you see your neighbour's eyes widen as you lug your mountain of empty bottles to the front street, just remember, Jesus drank wine. You're not a drunkard, you're classy and cultural. So there.

14. One Olive Leaves You Craving A Glass Of Wine

Or any delicious food that can be enhanced by some good old vino, for that matter. What is a meal, without a glass of wine? Breakfast, that's what. Oh, and always be sure to grab a bottle of Chianti when eating liver and fava beans. It pairs brilliantly, so we've been told.

13. You Keep Finding Yourself In The Wine Aisle Without Knowing How You Got There

One minute you're browsing cereal and sliced meats, then BAM! Clean up in Aisle 12!

12. You're Totally In Denial About How Many Calories A Bottle Contains

Don't worry, there'll be no evil statistics to be seen on this page. It clearly counts as one of your five-a-day, duh.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell