22 Problems Only British People In America Will Understand

15. People Thinking Britain Is Tiny

You get talking to an American and, realising you're British, they talk to you about how they once went to "BIRRRR-MING-HAAAAM" as if you should know it like the back of your hand - even though you're from Edinburgh. It's that constant assumption that every town or city in Britain is within walking distance of each other that can really make Brits die inside. Granted, Britain is a relatively small island, but there are 61,000,000 people there and the island is 230,000 kilometres squared. From Land's End to John o' Groats - Britain's two most extreme points - is a distance of 603 miles. Brits are aware that you have individual states bigger than the whole of Britain in America, but it's not THAT small.

14. People Thinking You Know The Queen Personally

"Have you met the Queen? Do you know the Queen?" No, invariably, the people of Britain have not met the Queen, and they certainly don't know her personally - even though, in America, it's often assumed that every Brit joins the Queen for tea and crumpets on a daily basis.

13. The Increased Age For Drinking/Being ID'd Everywhere

You're 18, you've just become old enough to drink in Britain and you're loving it - and then you go to America, where you have absolutely zero chance of getting served alcohol anywhere because, as a general rule, EVERYBODY has to show ID to buy booze - let alone those who aren't the legal age of 21.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.