22 Problems Only British People In America Will Understand

12. NEVER Ask For Gravy...

Gravy is one of the essential food groups in Britain - Brits have it with all kinds of food; the Sunday roast (pork, chicken, lamb, turkey, beef, Yorkshire puddings, stuffing and vegetables), chips, sausages, dumplings and even in sandwiches. That delicious, meat-based sauce (or the vegetarian and vegan alternatives) made from meat juices, stock cubes or gravy granules completes a meal, adding extra taste and moisture. So when you order "gravy" in America and it's a Béchamel sauce, with the roux being made of meat drippings and flour (traditionally served with "biscuits" and/or friend chicken steak), you're extremely and justifiably disappointed.

11. ...Or Biscuits...

The aforementioned "biscuits" are NOT like the biscuits you're accustomed to in Britain. If you ask where the biscuits are, expect to be directed a soft, doughy item more reminiscent of the British scone. These "biscuits" are served with "gravy" as a meal at breakfast time - and they're nothing like the bourbons, hobnobs, digestives or rich teas that Brits know and love in their homeland.

10. ...Or Chips

Granted, the term "French fries" is a familiar one in Britain - and indeed it's a term Brits are happy to use when ordering at McDonald's or Burger King - but there's a distinct difference between fries and chips, as chips are much thicker and, for want of a better word, meatier. Sometimes it's simple chips the Brits want. However, if you were to order chips in the United States, you'd receive a bag of what Brits know as "crisps" because like the soccer debacle, America just plain gets some words wrong.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.