22 Problems Only British People In America Will Understand

9. More Frequent (And Longer) TV Commercials

In Britain, advertisements between television programmes and in breaks in the middle of television programmes last for three minutes, and BBC television channels don't show any advertisements at all. The short breaks give Brits a chance to make a cup of tea or have a quick bathroom break, without really affecting the enjoyment of the show being watched. In America, the adverts seem to happen every couple of minutes and they last almost as long as the programmes you're in the middle of watching. Okay, so that's something of an exaggeration, but commercials are more frequent and longer-lasting than the ones Brits are used to, and therefore they feel like something of an inconvenience.

8. Tipping Being Mandatory

As a general rule, most Brits don't mind tipping - especially when the service is good - but the fact that tipping is mandatory in the United States can sometimes be confusing. Whatever the price of a meal, generally add 20% to that when you pay - it's the way that American waiting staff make their money and is, therefore, only fair. However, the number of Brits who either don't understand this or simply refuse to do it is still quite high.

7. Being Shocked At Good/Cheerful Customer Service

In Britain, unless you're frequenting a top notch restaurant, you're lucky if you receive as much as a smile from the people who are serving you. Retail staff, waiting staff and anyone else working in the customer service industry see what they do as nothing more than a means to an end and are generally quite monotone and indifferent towards customers (sorry, but in most cases it's undeniably true!). This is a far cry from the service you receive in the United States where customer service staff are generally exceptionally pleasant, always smiling and happy to converse - whether it be asking you how you are or wishing you a nice day. Granted, it may be something to do with the fact that they rely on tips to earn money, but it's a real culture shock for Brits to witness it and it can take you by surprise.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.