22 Problems Only Call Centre Workers Will Understand

7. Starting As A 'Temporary Thing' And Still Working There 3 Years Later

How much of those 3 years have you spent threatening to walk out every hour of every day? Or fantasising about your epic resignation with the work mate who equally despises existence in that place. Again, there's always the meth business.

6. Pensioners Messing Up Your Entire Call Time

The internal battle between politeness to elders and your monthly stats. When that dear old lady on the other end starts telling you about her boiler, next door's granddaughter's dog and how hard all these passwords are nowadays: she is NOT hanging up soon. Please excuse me while I find my Give A Damn button.....oh I'm sorry, there are none left to give! The call time is already 36 minutes, will this agony ever end?

5. The Glory Of Terminating A Call With An Abusive Customer

"If you swear at me one more time Mr Wilson, I will have to terminate this call." "This is f**king ridi-" Ciao! Farewell! Seeee ya, sucker! There's nothing more satisfying than releasing a call to that customer who has been on for the last half hour, personally calling you every swearword under the sun and questioning your ability at the job. Unless you're the person that gets their call back. No fun, no fun at all.

4. The Joy As That Douche Of A Customer Fails DPA

What's that? You left you date of birth written down at home? Oh what a silly mistake to make, we all do it! The best line in the book: "Yes I understand you need to do these checks, but it's my DAUGHTER." Of course, please hold on while we spill all that confidential information to a third party. The best are the ones that "Go to get their wife", only to return to the phone with a dreadfully suspicious squeaky lady-voice. Facepalm.

3. When A Call Comes Through 20 Seconds Before Wrap

Your heart just dropped into your stomach, didn't it? Happy to help, Mr Customer... in the most rushed, desperate and minimalist way possible. Please hang up and get on with your life so I can be released from this prison. Oh, and guess what? They don't know their account number and must plough through every room of their house to find it. Or they're a first time sale that needs to hear the ENTIRE terms and conditions when you've got a train to catch, a meal to eat with your family and a couch to sprawl upon, damn it. Just wave slowly and open mouth cry at your colleagues as they discard their headsets and skip from the office now. Life is a cruel game.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell