22 Problems Only Call Centre Workers Will Understand

2. Being Offered Overtime At The Weekend

Anyone who does this makes us feel physically ill and needs seriously counselling. There's not even a second thought. Even if you're so skint you're surviving from sucking the nutrients from your jacket sleeves. Thank you for the ever-so-generous offer but I shall have to ferociously decline this one.

1. Financial Ombudsman: The ULTIMATE Threat

Oh, you know they're mad when they bring up the big O. "As soon as I hang up I'm cancelling my account with you, and then I'm going straight to the Ombudsman." Then they're going to Watchdog, and writing to the government: in reality they're probably going storm the house spitting blood for half an hour before settling back into that episode of Storage Wars. Excuse us while we give a damn. Does this sound like your life? Feel free to share your call centre stories in the comments below!
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell