22 Problems Only Lesbians Can Understand

21. Straight Guys Don't See Lesbianism As A Barrier To Sex

So some men like a challenge, but there€™s a challenge, and there€™s a challenge. These guys will tell you that their penis is as big as two penises in an attempt to woo you, hilariously missing the point of lesbianism. For some reason straight men often see lesbianism as being sexy, blissfully unaware that it completely rules them out. To straight guys in the audience, don€™t tell a lesbian that you could €œturn€ her the first time you meet her. Chances are you won€™t be able to, and she€™ll laugh about you with her friends and then write about your baffling pick-up lines in random list-articles for the internet.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.