22 Problems Only Lesbians Can Understand

19. If You're Butch, You Attract Undue Attention

On the flip-side, if you conform to certain stereotypes of what many people deem to be lesbian indicators, it€™s not all showers of girl-on-girl make-out sessions being free from having to prove your credentials as a bonafide lesbo. If people aren€™t shouting random sexual and homophobic slurs at you in the street, then they're generally asking bizarre and pointless questions such as €œwhy don't you just wear a dress?€ or €œdo you want to be a man?€ The best response to this severe side-eye that burns the flesh from their skin. There€™s nothing like the hiss of a smouldering idiot to soothe the soul.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.