22 Problems Only Lesbians Can Understand

18. Gay Bars Aren't Always All That Lesbian-Friendly

Sure, everyone likes a bit of Madonna and Lady Gaga from time to time. But all the time? If you live somewhere unfortunate like outside of London, Brighton, or Manchester, then chances are any gay bars in your area (if there are any) will be mixed sex. This is fine - this is fun! - and segregation is never a good idea. However, many gay bars follow a rule of camper = better. There€™s nothing wrong with grinding on a pole to Britney Spears wearing a promotional feather boa and slathered with glitter whilst the disco ball periodically blinds you, but would it kill anybody to play a little Tegan & Sara whilst handing out promotional bandanas once in a while?
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.