22 Problems Only Lesbians Can Understand

17. Lesbians Are Insane

Sorry ladies. Obviously this is not all lesbians, but if you think back over your exes there€™s going to be at least one who was completely, utterly, and terrifyingly crazy. Think back again, and you were probably that ex to someone else. Whether she told you she was in love with you on your first date, wrote a love poem to your vulva, or whether she called you in the middle of the day to tell you that she was €œin the area€ and wanted to come over, despite the fact that she lives over an hour away and definitely would never just be €œin the area€ (and breathe), everyone€™s had one and everyone has probably been one. It may be that many lesbians just wear their heart on their sleeve a little (lot) more than most other people, but it certainly makes dating an adventure.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.