23 Problems Every Stoner Has Been Through

8. Choosing Between Family Guy And South Park

How the hell do you make this kind of arduous decision while high? In fact, trying to decide on what to watch in general is like, the toughest thing in the world. Which leads us to...

7. Watching Anything About The Universe While Stoned

Holy sheepin' scienceballs. You're asking for a mind-raping if you watch anything involving Neil Degrasse Tyson or Stephen Hawking after a smoke: you can be in awe to the point of god damn tears with this stuff. A mere stray thought about the meaning of life can send you into a gaping black hole of unmitigated brain-melt.

6. Forgetting Whether It's Your Turn To Toke...

...or your turn to pass the bowl. Turns out, no one else can remember either. Chances are, regardless of who messed up the rotation, it's probably you that gets skipped.

5. Getting A Little Over-Emotional When You're High

While smoking undeniably makes us more logical, it definitely intensifies emotions, feelings, sensations etc. I love you too, chair... and especially you, Mary Jane.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell