27 Common Misconceptions You Have About Drinking

6. You Should Never Ever Drink While Pregnant

Actually, it's drinking as if you weren't pregnant at all while you're pregnant that can seriously harm your baby. There's a ton of proper scientific research that says that one or two drinks a week won't have any effect on the sproglet at all, and many studies say that a drink a day is perfectly safe for your baby. Still, it's not like you get to go back and try again: this ain't Groundhog Day, and you're not Bill Murray (although your kid will probably look like him at first - don't panic, it's perfectly normal). The received wisdom to steer clear of alcohol throughout all three trimesters just in case is still damn good advice.

5. Okay But Booze And Medication Don't Ever Mix

Not at all. It entirely depends on the medication - instead of throwing away the leaflet inside the box, try reading it, or google it - or consult your doctor, although she'll probably tell you that you shouldn't be drinking anything at any time, or smoking that stuff, and she'll have some harsh words about all the plant food you're snorting at weekends too... but then you can always shout "you're not my mum!" and run away if you want.

4. But I've Heard That Beer Kills Brain Cells

We're afraid alcohol has no effect on the lifecycle of brain cells, and it never has. In fact red wine can actually help the brain, and even forestall dementia in old age. Years of alcohol abuse can cause neurological damage (but then so can anything else), but not kill brain cells. It's a Temperance Society old wives' tale, along with the thing about alcohol in the blood causing drunks to burst into flames. Yes, they actually used to try and convince people that really happened.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.