20. Realising We Welcomed Jimi Hendrix And Nirvana First...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U-iusb57T8 Yup, Jimi Hendrix actually used to busk around Chillingham Road where his manager lived at the time, and Nirvana played one of their first gigs in Newcastle - being greeted with the levels of fan adoration you'd see years later Stateside and around the world.
19. ...And Helped Create Rock N' Roll
David MalletAnd another one, AC/DC's Brian Johnson is from Newcastle, without who we just wouldn't have rock n' roll in one of its purest forms.
18. The Hardy Resolve Of Any Self-Respecting GeordieLASS
MTVMassive eyelashes, a good afternoon's worth of hair-preparation, a dress that's maybe one size too small just because, well, "It's a night out man, haweh!" There's just nothing like a born n' bred geordie girl who knows she's the bees knees, regardless of whether she's wearing what we just said, or anything else. You have to admire the commitment at least.