27 Little Things About Newcastle That Make Us Smile

17. And The MuscleboundLADs That Live To Lift And Pull Everything

MTVMTVGeordie Shore had a weird effect on Newcastle, but now that we're past that initial shock and we've acknowledged that some of our close co-residents really do like to go out and *ahem* 'tash on' with anything that moves, it's possible to see the pleasure in it. After all, it's just so ridiculous you have to laugh, even for those of us who are unfairly painted with the same brush by everyone else in the country. We're not all like that, honest!

16. This Amazing View

Skyscrapercity.comSkyscrapercity.comGrey Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Voted the Finest in Britain and one of the best in Europe. And rightly so.

15. And This One

Paul Flannigan Photography - FacebookPaul Flannigan Photography - FacebookThe Quayside is beautiful regardless of what time of day you head down, but at night it's something else entirely.
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