5 Reasons Why Android Is Objectively Better Than iOS (For The Power User)

2. Applications, File And Media Managment

Rsz Nexus 4 Iphone 5 Google Apps HeroThe Nexus has 12 Google apps while the iPhone has 9. Ha!

Obviously, Google is going to support Android much more than iPhone. Apple's AppStore still leads in quality and number of available apps, but Google's Play Store doesn't fall much behind, not anymore. We've mentioned how Android is a much more versatile and flexible platform, but this becomes clear when browsing available apps. File managers, keyboards, launchers... AppStore can only dream about such applications. Altough most developers still prefer to begin on iOS and port to Android afterwards, this trend is expected to die out after some time. See, even though iOS is generally more stable and reliable, it doesn't have all the possibilities Android has by default.

Versatility is important to fandroids not only because it gives them an edge over iFans, but also because they can change absolutely everything they don't like about their OS. Want an additional display option? Oh, sure, install it. The pre-installed file manager sucks and/or is ugly? Well, get a completely different one. It's all fascinatingly easy to do. Not to mention that it's either free or cheap. You don't even need to root the phone to get most of these options. Hell, you can even install an iOS7 launcher and see how much more it sucks in comparison to Trebutchet or Apex.

One area where newer iDevices blow regular Android phones out of the water is gaming (sadly). Since there's only a single current model of iPhone, it's infinitely easier to optimise your software for it than for a couple of hundred modern Android phones. So, even though Android generally has better hardware, it remains unused (if you don't root your device and optimise it yourself).

To summarize; iDevices don't have a singular file manager, copying music to iPhone without using iTunes is relatively hard and the applications are quite limited (ways in which they can modify your UI, to be precise). Doesn't sound all that enticing, right?

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An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.