5 Reasons Why Android Is Objectively Better Than iOS (For The Power User)

1. Potential

11 Googlenexus4 Nexus7 Nexus10They're all pretty rad, aren't they?

All the comparisons between Android and iOS end up favouring one side over the other, and this one is clearly not different. Apple's phone has amassed a huge amount of followers because it was (presumably) the first and original touchscreeen device for the masses. It should be noted that Android was actually operable before iOS, but in an alpha state. By the time Android caught up with iOS in terms of quality and effectiveness, Apple already had much better infrastructure and app support. Sure, this is all true, but it's also evident that Google is getting better at developing an OS. Latest versions of Android look sleek and operate efficiently, while retaining the customizability of earlier versions - and upgrading it. The main problem that Android is facing isn't even about the software. You're guessing, it's the fragmentation. Once Google manages to get around this issue, Android will have everything iOS has, and more. Until then, fandroids are stuck with limitless customization potential and fancy UI. Even though iPhones, iPads, iToilets and all other iStuff will stay faster and snappier by default (yeah, think about what I just wrote), Android devices will always have more potential. Potential that will eventually break out. In the end, the platform that is more open will win this "war". Apple isn't going to change their policy anytime soon, so it's clear what OS will remain favoured by the Power Users. If you feel we've been biased towards Android, you're very right. In the next article we'll talk about why iOS is better for the casual user, so there's that. Stay frosty.
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An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.