5 Things About America That The UK Doesn't Understand

2. Football

John Goodman Big Lebowski

Here’s the thing, Football is not a word that refers solely to soccer, or to American football. It actually comes from a much older usage, and it referred to any game not played on horseback. Instead, it was played, get this, on foot. Hence the name: football. Soccer is a word that was made up in the U.K. It’s not an American word. We just kept using it, and used football to refer to the other game we played. Both games, however, are equally boring to watch.

That said, Americans love a good game of pigskin, with the super bowl being one of the biggest television events of the year. Nothing gets the nacho dip flowing like the prospect of watching big, sweaty, burly, muscular men in tight fitting pants bump into each other in large piles while passing balls between their legs to the guy behind them. Then, everyone tries to pile on the guy with the ball, unless he gets it in the endzone, and SCORES!

Hopefully, that's enough on why a sexually repressed country may like that game.

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I'm a writer, father, and student. I was born in the southern United States, and currently reside on the coast of Georgia. I am earning a Bachelor of Fine Art's degree in Creative Writing from Full Sail University.