5. The Gym Enthusiasts
This particular breed deserve a special mention as perhaps a subtle hint that their continual clucking of everything gym-related needs to be ceased on occasion - or forever on Facebook. Why is going to the gym in need of public announcement to strangers? Apart from people with a small interest in the gym, who even cares somebody is working out there? You're getting fit, well done. What do want from us? There's a gradual progression of the gym enthusiast as they start out from a quiet user into a fully seasoned irritant. It begins with the generic 'First gym session. Eeek!' status, but then evolves into the much more annoying 'BOOM! Smashed it today!' with a description of equipment the person in question has been using the brain being the obvious omission. As if that was not enough, these people are now sharing their gym motivational pictures and stories that are appearing on your newsfeed to further annoy you on a daily basis. Not to mention the incessant half-naked pictures of themselves before and after 'hitting the gym' for a period of a few months. Please get a grip. Going to the gym is a hobby which doesn't warrant a medal for the people who are avid users, so why persist in telling us all about it?