6 Examples Of How Humanity Is Regressing Not Evolving (By Star Trek Standards)

5. The 1%

Other Things That Are The 1

Now before some of you scream out "hippy" let me just add that I don't suppot the "Occupy" movement. Why you ask? Because quite simply they don't understand the definition of that term. "Occupy" is NOT sitting on the steps outside or at the nearest park, it's storming the front doors, taking control of whatever you wish to occupy and not allowing business to continue until your demands are met. What they are doing is effective in solving nothing.

But for their misguidance, I will still applaud their efforts at least as their reasoning behind their actions are sound. Because I can't fathom how the people that sent a majority of the world into economic ruin have not only gotten away with their crimes against humanity, but in most cases are still in charge of the damn place. How in the blue hell does a company like Haliburton (among MANY others) and its board of criminals get away with its actions unless of some serious corruption within all levels of government from all over the world, not just America?

The 1% are the epitome of materialism told to us by Star Trek that would no longer exist in the future. I mean, how much profit do you really need? Can you even spend a billion dollars on yourself? Any profit a company makes should NOT go into the pockets of singular corporate entities (I refuse to class them as human), they should be funneled straight back to the workers who made that money for you.

Why would you need a billion dollar profit if none of that goes back to the workers in the form of pay rises or bonuses? It should be used to advance the progress of humanity, not for crappy artwork or "super yachts" that is of course the only proof I need that you have a small penis.

There should be no such thing as a billionaire for you simply don't need that much money. There should be a cut off point to how much actual cash you can legally have for no matter what charities or foundations you give to, which by the way are all tax deductible so it is not really a "charity" now is it, you don't need a 50 room mansion with 20 bathrooms and 15 cars. Especially if you are an old coot living by themselves. This is why Montgomery Burns in The Simpsons is such an accurate (and funny) parody of these people.

Who Is The 1

The Irony of the economic crisis that currently envelops our world is that it is all pretty much digital. So it literally could be solved at the touch of a button. But then those trillion dollar companies would lose their stranglehold on humanity then wouldn't they? WHAT DO YOU NEED ALL THAT CRAP FOR? Oh right, small penis.

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Passions in life: Movies, Music and Wrestling....My childhood was spent growing up in the "Outback" of Australia (I'm a little bit country) and my adulthood resided within the city limits (I'm a little bit rock and roll), so you could say that I am the best (or worst) of both worlds. A 6 foot 7 ex wannabe pro wrestler (whose career was cut short due to a busted back, NOT caused by wrestling) & muso who has a precocious cat & a habit of doing the wrong thing but for the right reasons. The story of my life???? All demos, no albums ;)